New York City Police Department Purple Shield
New York City Police Department Purple Shield
The Purple Shield Medal, fashioned after the military Purple Heart, was created in 1995 in response to recommendations from rank and file police officers and as part of the Department's reengineering process. The medal is awarded annually at Medal Day to those members of the service who have suffered extremely serious physical injury, or death, or permanent disfigurement, protracted or permanent impairment of health as determined by the Honor Board. The design of the Purple Shield consists of several distinct parts. The medal is in the shape of a shield symbolizing the Department itself, and it bears the motto of the Department "Fidelis Ad Mortem" (Faithful Unto Death). The phrase "Fidelis Ad Mortem" was coined in recognition of the gallantry and bravery of police officers who gave their lives or were injured in defense of their fellow citizens. The medal bears a raised bust of Theodore Roosevelt, who was President of the Police Commission from 1895 to 1897, representing the start of the modern age of policing in New York. The gold star represents the extreme sacrifice of the member awarded the medal and the three purple fields separated by white lacing represent the wound or injury, extraordinary fidelity, and meritorious service.

Officer Rocco W. Laurie, NYPD is honored on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Washington, DC, on panel 16, W-6
The Rocco Laurie Middle School in Staten Island New York was nameed in Rocco Laurie's honor.