Facts about Marines

I like the fact that if you are a self-declared enemy of America, that
running into a Marine outfit in combat is your worst nightmare... and
that your health record is about to get a lot thicker or be closed out

I like the fact that Marines are steadfast and consistent in everything
they do... regardless if you agree with them or not.

I like the fact that Marines hold the term 'politically correct' with
nothing but pure disdain.

I like the fact that Marines stand tall and rigid in their actions,
thoughts and deeds when others bend with the direction of the wind and
are as confused as a dog looking at a ceiling fan!

I like the fact that each and every Marine considers the honor and
legacy of the Corps as his personal and sacred trust to protect and

I like the fact that most civilians don't have a clue what makes us
tick! And that's not a bad thing. Because if they did, it would probably
scare the hell out of them!

I like the fact that others say they want to be like us, but don't have
what it takes in the 'PAIN-GAIN-PRIDE' department to make it happen.

I like the fact that the Marines came into being in a bar, Tun Tavern,
and that Marines still gather in pubs, bars and slop chutes to share sea
stories and hot scoop!

I like the fact that Marines do not consider it a coincidence that there
are 24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case. Because Marines know there
is a reason for everything that happens!

I like our motto... SEMPER FIDELIS... and the fact that we don't shed it
when the going gets tough, the battlefield gets deadly or when we hang
up our uniform for the last time.

I like the fact that Marines take care of each other... in combat and
time of peace.

I like the fact that Marines know the difference between 'Chicken Salad'
and 'Chicken Shit' and aren't afraid to call either for what it is!

I like the fact that the people of America hold Marines in the highest
esteem and that they know that they can count on us to locate, close
with, and destroy those who would harm them!

I like the fact that people think we are cocky... yet we know that we
have confidence in everything we do and the fact that they don't know
the taste of that makes them look at us as if we are arrogant!

I like the fact that we know the taste of freedom and would give our
very lives for it! And that it is a taste that the protected will never

I like the fact that Ronald Regan said... "Some people spend an entire
lifetime wondering if they made a difference... Marines don't have that

I like the fact that we are brothers to the end... and that no matter
what happens in life we know we have one another's back.

I like the fact that a couple of years ago an elected member of Congress
felt compelled to publicly accuse the Marine Corps of being '"radical and

I like the fact that our Commandant informed that member of Congress
that he was absolutely correct and that he passed only his thanks for
the compliment!

I like the fact that Marine leaders --- of every rank --- know that
issuing every man and woman a black beret --- or polka-dotted boxer
shorts for that matter does absolutely nothing to promote morale,
fighting spirit or combat effectiveness.

I like the fact that Marines are Marines first... regardless of age,
race, creed, color, sex, national origin or how long they served or what
goals they achieve in life!

I like Marines... and I love the fact that I am able to be humbled to
walk along the ranks of other Marines!

I like the fact that you always know where you stand with a Marine!

With Marines, there is no middle ground or gray area. There are only
missions, objectives, and facts.


          Paul Marquis
      Your Web Master